About Me

Hi there! And welcome to That’s My Wellness! A place for you to feel like your health and wellness is just that, YOURS! We as people are all very different and our individual wellness journeys should be unique to us. So that’s what That’s My Wellness is here to help you create. A tailored wellness and nutrition plan that’s just for you!

I’m Nikki, an ISSA Certified Nutrition Coach and a WHOLE30 Certified Coach. I’m also a mom of three, a wife, an activity organizer, a chauffeur, a cook, a maid… the list is endless. I started my journey creating healthy recipes for my food blog – That’s My Flavorite. A place where I wanted to share my love for food. I have since shifted my own path to focus on nutrition and wellness, while inspiring others to not only enjoy the food they love but learn the importance of good quality, nutrient dense foods.

I have always enjoyed cooking and love re-creating recipes of meals with more wholesome ingredients. While I do keep cookies and pasta in my diet, on the daily I try to feed myself and my family nutritious meals. And I do my best to make them super delicious! Healthful food doesn’t have to be boring or bland. On this site, you will still be able to access some of my flavorite healthy recipes and I hope through your journey you enjoy cooking as much as me!

Nutrition Consulting:
For over a decade, nutrition and fitness has been a big part of who I am. In recent years, I have taken such an interest in foods and how they affect our body, the roles vitamins and minerals play in our health and what is needed to support optimal performance through our mind, body and soul. I received my certification through ISSA’s Nutritionist course and continued my journey in becoming a WHOLE30 Certified Coach. Looking at each individual differently and tailoring a program based on their lifestyle, likes/dislikes and what is realistic for them is That’s My Wellness’s specialty!